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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating adrenaline level  
decreased circulating angiotensin II level  
decreased circulating anti-Mullerian hormone level  
decreased circulating antidiuretic hormone level  
decreased circulating atrial natriuretic factor  
decreased circulating dihydrotestosterone level  
decreased circulating erythropoietin level  
decreased circulating estrogen level +   
decreased circulating gastric inhibitory polypeptide level 
decreased circulating gastrin level  
decreased circulating ghrelin level  
less than the normal blood concentration of the peptide hormone produced mainly by P/D1 cells lining the fundus of the stomach and epsilon cells of the pancreas that normally stimulates hunger and serves as a potent stimulator of growth hormone from the anterior pituitary gland
decreased circulating glucagon level  
decreased circulating glucocorticoid level +   
decreased circulating gonadotropin level +   
decreased circulating insulin level  
decreased circulating insulin-like growth factor I level  
decreased circulating leptin level  
decreased circulating levels of thyroid hormone +   
decreased circulating mineralocorticoid level +   
decreased circulating noradrenaline level  
decreased circulating osteocalcin level  
decreased circulating parathyroid hormone level  
decreased circulating pituitary hormone level +   
decreased circulating progesterone level  
decreased circulating testosterone level  
increased circulating ghrelin level  

Exact Synonyms: hypoghrelinaemia ;   hypoghrelinemia
Narrow Synonyms: decreased plasma ghrelin level ;   decreased serum ghrelin level ;   reduced plasma ghrelin level ;   reduced serum ghrelin level
Definition Sources:

paths to the root