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Ontology Browser

abnormal stomach muscularis externa morphology (MP:0010779)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal arrector pilli muscle morphology  
abnormal esophageal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal gallbladder smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal gastroesophageal sphincter morphology 
abnormal internal anal sphincter morphology  
abnormal intestinal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal intraocular muscle morphology +   
abnormal lymphatic vessel smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal pyloric sphincter morphology +   
abnormal stomach mucosa morphology +   
abnormal stomach muscularis externa morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the smooth muscle layer of the stomach wall that functions to churn and mix food and gastric secretions as well as to move food along the digestive tract to the intestines
abnormal stomach muscularis mucosa morphology 
abnormal stomach serosa morphology 
abnormal stomach submucosa morphology  
abnormal tracheal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal urinary bladder detrusor smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal vascular smooth muscle morphology +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal gastric muscularis morphology ;   abnormal gastric smooth muscle morphology ;   abnormal muscularis externa morphology
Broad Synonyms: abnormal stomach smooth muscle morphology
Definition Sources:

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