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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
absent CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cells  
decreased CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell number +   
decreased CD4-positive, CD25-positive, alpha-beta regulatory T cell number +   
decreased KLRG1+ CD4 alpha-beta T cell number 
decreased T follicular helper cell number  
reduced number of the CD4-positive, CXCR5-positive, CCR7-negative alpha-beta T cells located in follicles of secondary lymph nodes that expresses high levels of BCL-6, ICOS and PD1 and stimulate follicular B cells to undergo class-switching and antibody production
decreased T helper 1 cell number  
decreased T-helper 17 cell number  
decreased T-helper 2 cell number  
increased T follicular helper cell number  

Xrefs: CL:0002038
Definition Sources: CL:0002038, PMID:19855402

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