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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
increased DN1 thymic pro-T cell number  
increased DN2 thymocyte number  
increased DN3 thymocyte number  
increased number of thymocytes that have the cell surface marker phenotype CD4-negative, CD8-negative, CD44-negative, and CD25-positive and expressing the T cell receptor beta-chain in complex with the pre-T cell receptor alpha chain.
increased DN4 thymocyte number  

Exact Synonyms: increased DN3 alpha-beta immature T lymphocyte number ;   increased DN3 alpha-beta immature T-cell number ;   increased DN3 cell number ;   increased DN3 immature T cell number ;   increased TN3 cell number ;   increased TN3 thymocyte number
Xrefs: CL:0000807
Definition Sources: CL:0000807

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