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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal abdominal muscle morphology  
abnormal cremaster muscle morphology  
abnormal epaxial muscle morphology  
abnormal extraocular muscle morphology +   
abnormal facial muscle morphology +   
abnormal hypaxial muscle morphology +   
abnormal hypodermis muscle layer morphology +   
abnormal multifidus muscle morphology  
abnormal neck muscle morphology +   
abnormal pharyngeal muscle morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber type ratio  
abnormal skeletal muscle glycogen level +   
abnormal skeletal muscle mass +   
abnormal skeletal muscle mechanoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle triglyceride level +   
abnormal soft palate muscle morphology +   
abnormal tongue muscle morphology +   
abnormal tympanic cavity muscle morphology +   
absent skeletal muscle  
decreased satellite cell number  
decreased skeletal muscle fiber density  
ectopic skeletal muscle  
increased satellite cell number  
increased skeletal muscle fiber density  
increase in the number of skeletal muscle fibers in a given cross-sectional area of a skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle degeneration +   
skeletal muscle fibrosis +   
skeletal muscle necrosis +   

Definition Sources:

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