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Ontology Browser

abnormal pancreatic beta cell differentiation (MP:0009175)
Annotations: Rat: (0) Mouse: (22) Human: (0) Chinchilla: (0) Bonobo: (0) Dog: (0) Squirrel: (0) Pig: (0) Naked Mole-rat: (0) Green Monkey: (0)
Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal airway basal cell differentiation  
abnormal Bergmann glial cell differentiation  
abnormal dendritic cell differentiation +   
abnormal enterocyte differentiation  
abnormal fat cell differentiation +   
abnormal granulocyte differentiation +   
abnormal keratinocyte differentiation  
abnormal megakaryocyte differentiation  
abnormal melanocyte differentiation  
abnormal mesenchymal cell differentiation involved in lung development  
abnormal mononuclear cell differentiation +   
abnormal myoblast differentiation  
abnormal myofibroblast differentiation +   
abnormal myotube differentiation +   
abnormal neuron differentiation +   
abnormal oogenesis +   
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell differentiation +   
abnormal osteoblast differentiation +   
abnormal osteoclast differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic alpha cell differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic beta cell differentiation  
atypical production of or inability to produce the cells that secrete insulin and are located towards the center of the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, and/or accumulation of pancreatic beta cell precursors
abnormal pancreatic beta cell mass +   
abnormal pancreatic beta cell number +   
abnormal pancreatic delta cell differentiation  
abnormal pancreatic epsilon cell differentiation  
abnormal PP cell differentiation  
abnormal vascular endothelial cell differentiation  
degranulated pancreatic beta cells  
impaired granulosa cell differentiation  
impaired luteal cell differentiation  
impaired neural crest cell differentiation +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal insulin-secreting cell differentiation ;   abnormal pancreatic B cell differentiation
Definition Sources: CL:0000169

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