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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating interleukin-1 level +   
decreased circulating interleukin-10 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-12 level +   
decreased circulating interleukin-12b level  
decreased circulating interleukin-13 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-15 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-16 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-17 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-18 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-2 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-21 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-23 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-3 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-4 level  
reduction in the amount in the blood of a soluble factor produced by activated T-cells that induces the expression of MHC class II genes and FC receptors on B-cells and causes their proliferation and differentiation; it also acts on T-cells, mast cells and several other hematopoietic lineage cells
decreased circulating interleukin-5 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-6 level  
decreased circulating interleukin-7 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-8 level 
decreased circulating interleukin-9 level 
increased circulating interleukin-4 level  

Exact Synonyms: decreased circulating B-cell growth factor-1 level ;   decreased circulating B-cell growth factor-I level ;   decreased circulating B-cell proliferating factor level ;   decreased circulating B-cell stimulating factor-1 level ;   decreased circulating B-cell stimulatory factor 1 level ;   decreased circulating BCGF-1 level ;   decreased circulating BSF-1 level ;   decreased circulating Binetrakin level ;   decreased circulating IL-4 level ;   decreased circulating IL4 level
Definition Sources: MESH:D12.644.276.374.465.504

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