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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal bony labyrinth +   
abnormal cochlea morphology +   
abnormal hair cell morphology +   
abnormal inner ear canal morphology +   
abnormal inner ear development +   
abnormal inner ear vestibule morphology +   
abnormal internal auditory canal morphology  
abnormal membranous labyrinth morphology +   
abnormal otic capsule morphology +   
abnormal pars superior vestibularis morphology 
abnormal round window morphology +   
abnormal sulcus ampullaris morphology  
abnormal vestibular aqueduct morphology  
absent inner ear  
inner ear cyst  
inner ear hypoplasia  
decrease in the number of normal cells in normal arrangement in the inner ear, typically resulting in decreased size

Exact Synonyms: hypoplastic inner ear
Broad Synonyms: Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the ear
Xrefs: HP:0008771
Definition Sources:

paths to the root