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Ontology Browser

decreased circulating triiodothyronine level (MP:0005479)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating thyroxine level  
decreased circulating triiodothyronine level  
reduced amount of a thyroid hormone present in the blood that regulates growth and development, controls some metabolic processes and body temperature, and negatively regulates secretion of thyrotropin by the pituitary gland
increased circulating triiodothyronine level  

Exact Synonyms: decreased circulating level of T3 ;   decreased circulating level of triiodothyronine ;   reduced circulating triiodothyronine level
Broad Synonyms: Decreased circulating free T3
Xrefs: HP:0032210
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, ISBN:978-0-323-05290-0

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