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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating alanine level  
decreased circulating arginine level  
decreased circulating carnitine level  
decreased circulating citrulline level  
decreased circulating creatinine level  
decreased circulating cystathionine level  
decreased circulating cysteine level  
decreased circulating glutamic acid level  
decreased circulating glutamine level  
decreased circulating glycine level  
decreased circulating histidine level  
decreased circulating homocitrulline level 
decreased circulating homocysteine level  
decreased circulating hydroxyproline level 
decreased circulating isoleucine level  
decreased circulating leucine level  
decreased circulating lysine level  
decreased circulating methionine level  
decreased circulating ornithine level  
decreased circulating phenylalanine level  
decreased circulating proline level  
decreased circulating serine level  
decreased circulating taurine level  
decreased circulating threonine level 
decreased circulating thyroxine level  
reduction in the normal blood concentration of the major hormone derived from the thyroid gland that normally affects cellular metabolism
decreased circulating triiodothyronine level  
decreased circulating tyrosine level  
decreased circulating valine level  
increased circulating thyroxine level  

Exact Synonyms: decreased circulating level of T4 ;   decreased circulating level of thyroxin ;   decreased circulating level of thyroxine ;   reduced circulating thyroxine level
Definition Sources: MESH:D06.472.931.812, MGI:cwg

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