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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal retina ganglion layer morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the innermost nuclear layer of the retina, which contains neurons that project axons through the optic nerve to the brain
abnormal retina inner nuclear layer morphology +   
abnormal retina inner plexiform layer morphology +   
abnormal retina nerve fiber layer morphology +   
abnormal retina outer nuclear layer morphology +   
abnormal retina outer plexiform layer morphology +   
abnormal retina photoreceptor layer morphology +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal retina GCL morphology ;   abnormal retinal GCL morphology ;   abnormal retinal ganglion cell layer ;   abnormal retinal ganglion layer morphology
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-914294-08-3

paths to the root