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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal anterior uvea morphology +   
any structural anomaly of any of the parts of the front, or ventral, portion of the vascular, pigmentary, or middle coat of the eye, including the ciliary body and the iris
abnormal cilary zonule morphology  
abnormal conjunctiva morphology +   
abnormal conjunctival sac morphology  
abnormal cornea morphology +   
abnormal eye anterior chamber morphology +   
abnormal eye posterior chamber morphology +   
abnormal lens morphology +   
abnormal optic choroid morphology +   
abnormal tear film morphology  
anterior staphyloma 
increased uvea tumor incidence +   
uveal coloboma +   

Exact Synonyms: Haller tunica vascula abnormalities ;   anterior uvea abnormalities ;   tunica vasculosa bulbosa abnormalities ;   vasculosa oculi abnormalities
Broad Synonyms: uveal tract abnormalities ;   vascular layer of the eyeball ;   vascular tunic of the eye
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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