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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased prolactin level +   
increased adrenocorticotropin level +   
increased circulating pituitary hormone level +   
increased follicle stimulating hormone level +   
increased growth hormone level +   
increased luteinizing hormone level +   
increased prolactin level +   
greater than expected concentration of the hormone that stimulates milk secretion
increased thyroid-stimulating hormone level +   

Exact Synonyms: increased PRL level ;   increased galactopoietic hormone level ;   increased lactation hormone level ;   increased lactogenic hormone level ;   increased lactotropin level ;   increased mammotropic factor level ;   increased mammotropic hormone level ;   increased mammotropin level
Narrow Synonyms: increased pituitary levels of PRL ;   increased pituitary levels of prolactin
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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