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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal allantois morphology +   
abnormal amnion morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the thin innermost layer of the extraembryonic membranes that contains the amniotic fluid; the membrane forms a closed sac in which the embryo and later, the fetus, is suspended and protected
abnormal amniotic cavity morphology +   
abnormal chorion morphology +   
abnormal ectoplacental cavity morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic coelom morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic ectoderm morphology +   
abnormal extraembryonic endoderm morphology  
abnormal extraembryonic mesoderm morphology 
abnormal parietal yolk sac morphology +   
abnormal placenta morphology +   
abnormal proamniotic cavity morphology +   
abnormal umbilical cord morphology +   
abnormal visceral yolk sac cavity morphology  
abnormal visceral yolk sac morphology +   
abnormal vitelline vasculature morphology +   
disorganized extraembryonic tissue  

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