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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal endometrium morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the glandular mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the estrous/menstrual cycle and during pregnancy
abnormal maternal decidual layer morphology +   
abnormal myometrium morphology +   
abnormal uterine cervix morphology +   
abnormal uterine horn morphology +   
abnormal uterus development +   
abnormal uterus size +   
absent uterus  
bifid uterus 
blind uterus  
dilated uterus  
increased uterus tumor incidence +   
uterus adenomyosis  
uterus atresia  
uterus cyst  
uterus fibrosis +   
uterus prolapse  
uterus rupture 

Narrow Synonyms: endometrium dysplasia
Definition Sources:, MESH:A05.360.319.679.490

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