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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal blood-inner ear barrier function  
abnormal endolymph physiology +   
abnormal hair cell physiology +   
abnormal hearing physiology +   
abnormal organ of Corti supporting cell physiology +   
abnormal perilymph physiology  
change in the normal production (volume) or ionic homeostasis of the fluid contained within the osseous labyrinth, surrounding and protecting the membranous labyrinth; perilymph resembles extracellular fluid in composition, has a high concentration of sodium ion and a low concentration of potassium ion and, through the perilymphatic duct, is in continuity with cerebrospinal fluid
abnormal vestibular system physiology +   
ear hemorrhage 
ear inflammation +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal Cotunnius liquid ;   abnormal perilympha
Definition Sources:

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