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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal B cell receptor editing  
abnormal B cell selection +   
abnormal class switch recombination  
abnormal immature B cell morphology +   
abnormal immunoglobulin V(D)J recombination +   
abnormal leukocyte physiology +   
abnormal memory B cell differentiation  
abnormal plasma cell differentiation  
abnormal pro-B cell morphology +   
abnormal professional antigen presenting cell physiology +   
abnormal somatic hypermutation frequency  
any anomaly in the high frequency of programmed mutation that occurs in the gene segments encoding the variable regions of antibodies during the differentiation of individual B lymphocytes into antibody producing plasma cells
abnormal type I hypersensitivity reaction +   
abnormal type II hypersensitivity reaction +   
abnormal type III hypersensitivity reaction +   
abnormal type IV hypersensitivity reaction +   
arrested B cell differentiation  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal SHM
Definition Sources:

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