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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal auditory brainstem response +   
anomaly in the electrical activity generated in the ascending auditory system in response to short tone bursts; may be used to evaluate sensorineural hearing function; measurements may include the amplitude (the number of neurons firing), latency (the speed of transmission), interpeak latency (the time between peaks), interaural latency (the difference in wave V latency between ears) and threshold
abnormal auditory summating potential  
abnormal cochlear frequency tuning +   
abnormal cochlear nerve compound action potential +   
abnormal cochlear nerve fiber response  
abnormal cochlear potential +   
abnormal endocochlear potential +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal ABRs ;   abnormal BAEP(s) ;   abnormal brainstem auditory brainstem response(s) ;   abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potential ;   abnormal brainstem evoked responses
Broad Synonyms: Abnormal auditory evoked potentials
Xrefs: HP:0006958
Definition Sources:,

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