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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal chin morphology +   
abnormal mandibular angle morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the portion of the mandible where the body of the mandible (horizontal portion) and the rami (perpendicular portions) meet; these normally unite nearly at right angles
abnormal mandibular canal morphology +   
abnormal mandibular foramen morphology +   
abnormal mandibular ramus morphology +   
abnormal mandibular symphysis morphology +   
abnormal mental foramen morphology +   
abnormal temporomandibular joint morphology +   
absent mandible  
large mandible +   
mandibular cyst  
mandibular hyperostosis  
mandibular retrognathia  
small mandible +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal angular process of the mandible morphology ;   abnormal gonial angle morphology ;   abnormal mandible angular process morphology
Definition Sources:

paths to the root