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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal amacrine cell morphology +   
abnormal chemoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal dorsal root ganglion topology  
abnormal lumbar dorsal root ganglion morphology +   
abnormal nociceptor morphology  
abnormal olfactory bulb interneuron morphology +   
abnormal parasympathetic neuron morphology  
abnormal polymodal receptor morphology 
abnormal proprioceptive neuron morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia that sense body position and send information about how much the muscle is stretched to the spinal cord
abnormal retina bipolar cell morphology +   
abnormal retina ganglion cell morphology +   
abnormal retina horizontal cell morphology +   
abnormal retina photoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal sensory neuron innervation pattern +   
abnormal sympathetic neuron morphology +   
abnormal thermoreceptor morphology 
absent dorsal root ganglion  
decreased sensory neuron number +   
disorganized dorsal root ganglion  
dorsal root ganglion degeneration  
enlarged dorsal root ganglion +   
fused dorsal root ganglion  
increased sensory neuron number +   
small dorsal root ganglion +   

Broad Synonyms: Abnormal neuron morphology
Xrefs: HP:0012757
Definition Sources: MGI:hdene

paths to the root