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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal abdominal muscle morphology  
abnormal cremaster muscle morphology  
abnormal epaxial muscle morphology  
abnormal extraocular muscle morphology +   
abnormal facial muscle morphology +   
abnormal hypaxial muscle morphology +   
abnormal hypodermis muscle layer morphology +   
abnormal median sulcus of tongue morphology +   
abnormal multifidus muscle morphology  
abnormal neck muscle morphology +   
abnormal pharyngeal muscle morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle fiber type ratio  
abnormal skeletal muscle glycogen level +   
abnormal skeletal muscle mass +   
abnormal skeletal muscle mechanoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal skeletal muscle triglyceride level +   
abnormal soft palate muscle morphology +   
abnormal tongue epithelium morphology +   
abnormal tongue foramen cecum morphology 
abnormal tongue frenulum morphology 
abnormal tongue muscle morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the muscular portion of the tongue
abnormal tongue position +   
abnormal tympanic cavity muscle morphology +   
absent skeletal muscle  
absent tongue  
bifid tongue  
bifurcated tongue  
decreased satellite cell number  
decreased skeletal muscle fiber density  
decreased tongue size +   
decreased tongue tumor incidence  
ectopic skeletal muscle  
glossopalatal ankylosis  
increased satellite cell number  
increased skeletal muscle fiber density  
increased tongue size  
increased tongue tumor incidence +   
long tongue  
short tongue  
skeletal muscle degeneration +   
skeletal muscle fibrosis +   
skeletal muscle necrosis +   
tongue ankylosis  

Exact Synonyms: abnormal lingual muscle morphology
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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