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Ontology Browser

abnormal pituitary diverticulum morphology (MP:0003817)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal pituitary diverticulum morphology +   
any structural anomaly of a tubular outgrowth of ectoderm from the stomodeum of the embryo; the outgrowth grows toward the infundibular process of the diencephalon, around which it forms a cup-like mass, giving rise to the pars distalis and pars juxtaneuralis of the hypophysis

Exact Synonyms: abnormal Rathke diverticulum morphology ;   abnormal Rathke's pocket morphology ;   abnormal Rathke's pouch morphology ;   abnormal craniopharyngeal duct morphology ;   abnormal hypophyseal pouch morphology
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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