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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal adenohypophysis morphology +   
abnormal adrenal gland development  
abnormal endometrial gland development  
abnormal Harderian gland development  
abnormal lacrimal gland development +   
abnormal mammary gland development +   
abnormal Meibomian gland development  
abnormal neurohypophysis morphology +   
abnormal pancreas development +   
abnormal parathyroid gland development  
abnormal pineal gland development 
abnormal pituitary gland development +   
malformation or incomplete differentiation of the compound gland suspended from the base of the hypothalamus, which secretes somatotropins, prolactin, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), gonadotropins, adrenal corticotropin
abnormal pituitary gland size +   
abnormal pituitary intermediate lobe morphology +   
abnormal prostate gland development +   
abnormal seminal vesicle development +   
abnormal thymus development +   
abnormal thyroid gland development +   
absent pituitary gland  
decreased pituitary gland tumor incidence 
ectopic pituitary gland  
increased pituitary gland tumor incidence +   
pituitary gland peliosis +   

Related Synonyms: abnormal pituitary development
Definition Sources:, J:51160

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