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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal arrector pilli muscle morphology  
abnormal esophageal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal extraocular muscle morphology +   
abnormal eye muscle topology  
abnormal gallbladder smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal gastroesophageal sphincter morphology 
abnormal internal anal sphincter morphology  
abnormal intestinal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal intraocular muscle morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the smooth muscles within the eye
abnormal lymphatic vessel smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal orbicularis oculi muscle morphology +   
abnormal pyloric sphincter morphology +   
abnormal stomach muscularis externa morphology +   
abnormal stomach muscularis mucosa morphology 
abnormal tracheal smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal urinary bladder detrusor smooth muscle morphology  
abnormal vascular smooth muscle morphology +   
absent eye muscles +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal intra-ocular muscle morphology
Definition Sources:, NCBI:matt

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