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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal endocrine pancreas morphology +   
abnormal exocrine pancreas morphology +   
abnormal pancreas development +   
abnormal pancreas iron level +   
abnormal pancreas size +   
abnormal pancreas topology +   
abnormal pancreatic primary cilium morphology +   
absent pancreas  
adrenal gland cyst  
annular pancreas  
atrium cyst  
biliary cyst  
bulbourethral gland cyst  
calcified pancreas  
embryo cyst  
epididymal cyst  
epithelioid cyst +   
gastric cyst  
increased pancreas tumor incidence +   
inguinal cyst 
inner ear cyst  
jaw cyst +   
kidney cyst +   
lip cyst 
liver cyst  
lung cyst  
lymphomesenteric cyst 
Meibomian gland cyst  
ovary cyst +   
pancreas atrophy +   
pancreas cyst  
presence of one or more abnormal fluid-filled sacs within the pancreas
pancreas degeneration  
pancreas fibrosis  
pancreas lipomatosis  
pancreas necrosis  
pancreatic acinar-to-ductal metaplasia  
prostate gland cyst  
Rathke cleft cyst 
skin cyst +   
spina bifida cystica  
throat cyst 
thymus cyst  
thyroid gland cyst  
urinary bladder cyst  
uterus cyst  
vagina cyst 
vulva cyst 

Exact Synonyms: cystic pancreas ;   pancreas cysts ;   pancreatic cyst ;   pancreatic cysts
Definition Sources: NCBI:matt

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