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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal basilar membrane morphology  
abnormal Boettcher cell morphology  
abnormal cochlea size +   
abnormal cochlear basement membrane morphology  
abnormal cochlear modiolus morphology +   
abnormal cochlear sensory epithelium morphology +   
abnormal cochlear sensory neuron innervation pattern +   
abnormal Reissner membrane morphology +   
abnormal Rosenthal canal morphology +   
abnormal scala media morphology +   
abnormal scala tympani morphology +   
abnormal scala vestibuli morphology  
abnormal spiral limbus morphology +   
absent cochlea  
cochlear degeneration +   
decreased cochlea coiling  
a reduction in cochlear coiling or number of turns; in wild-type mice, the cochlea most commonly exhibits one and three-fourth turns
increased cochlea coiling 

Exact Synonyms: reduced cochlear coiling
Broad Synonyms: Abnormal cochlea morphology
Xrefs: HP:0000375
Definition Sources:

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