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Ontology Browser

decreased circulating luteinizing hormone level (MP:0002773)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
decreased circulating adrenocorticotropin level  
decreased circulating follicle stimulating hormone level +   
decreased circulating growth hormone level  
decreased circulating luteinizing hormone level  
lower than normal levels in the bloodstream of LH, the hormone that regulates steroid production by the interstitial cells of the testis and the ovary
decreased circulating prolactin level  
decreased circulating thyroid-stimulating hormone level  

Exact Synonyms: decreased circulating luteinising hormone level ;   reduced circulating luteinising hormone level ;   reduced circulating luteinizing hormone level
Narrow Synonyms: decreased serum levels of LH ;   decreased serum levels of luteinising hormone ;   decreased serum levels of luteinizing hormone ;   decreased serum levels of lutropin
Xrefs: HP:0030344
Definition Sources:, MESH:D06.472.699.322.576.463

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