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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal B-1 B cell morphology +   
abnormal B-2 B cell morphology +   
abnormal follicular B cell morphology +   
abnormal germinal center B cell morphology +   
abnormal marginal zone B cell morphology +   
abnormal memory B cell morphology +   
any structural anomaly of a distinctly differentiated long-lived B cell that is readily activated upon reencounter of its antigenic determinant; memory B cells differentiate from antigen-activated B cells which have been selected for expression of higher affinity immunoglobulin
abnormal naive B cell morphology +   
abnormal plasmablast morphology +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal memory B lymphocyte ;   abnormal memory B-cell ;   memory B cell abnormalities
Definition Sources: CL:0000787, ISBN:0781735149

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