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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal larynx morphology +   
abnormal lung morphology +   
abnormal nose morphology +   
abnormal paranasal sinus morphology +   
abnormal pharynx morphology +   
any structural anomaly in the passage between the mouth and the posterior nares and the larynx and esophagus
abnormal pleura morphology +   
abnormal pleural cavity morphology  
abnormal respiratory epithelium morphology +   
abnormal respiratory system development +   
abnormal respiratory tract brush cell morphology  
abnormal sputum morphology +  
abnormal trachea morphology +   
decreased respiratory system tumor incidence +   
increased respiratory system tumor incidence +   

Narrow Synonyms: pharynx dysplasia
Definition Sources: MGI:cwg

paths to the root