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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal amacrine cell morphology +   
abnormal Muller cell morphology  
abnormal retina bipolar cell morphology +   
abnormal retina development +   
abnormal retina horizontal cell morphology +   
abnormal retina inner limiting membrane morphology  
abnormal retina layer morphology +   
abnormal retina outer limiting membrane morphology  
abnormal retina vasculature morphology +   
abnormal susceptibility to age-related retinal degeneration +   
abnormal total retina thickness +   
absent retina  
decreased susceptibility to induced retina damage  
decreased ventral retina size  
increased retina tumor incidence +   
retina coloboma  
retina degeneration +   
retrogressive pathological change in the thin layer of neural tissue lining the back of the eyeball, which contains visual receptors and can result in the impairment or cessation of retinal neural function
retina deposits +   
retina detachment +   
retina fibrosis  
retina fold  
retina gliosis  
retina hemorrhage  
retina hyperplasia  
retina hypoplasia  
retina spots  

Exact Synonyms: retinal degeneration
Definition Sources: ISBN:0-683-40008-8, MGI:pretel

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