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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal amacrine cell morphology +   
abnormal chemoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal nociceptor morphology  
abnormal olfactory bulb interneuron morphology +   
abnormal parasympathetic neuron morphology  
abnormal polymodal receptor morphology 
abnormal proprioceptive neuron morphology +   
abnormal retina bipolar cell morphology +   
abnormal retina ganglion cell morphology +   
abnormal retina horizontal cell morphology +   
abnormal retina photoreceptor morphology +   
abnormal sensory neuron innervation pattern +   
abnormal splanchnic nerve morphology +   
abnormal sympathetic afferent fiber morphology  
abnormal sympathetic ganglion morphology +   
abnormal sympathetic neuron morphology +   
any structural anomaly of any of the neurons of the part of the autonomic nervous system that innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands and mediates the body's response to stressful situations
abnormal sympathetic postganglionic fiber morphology  
abnormal sympathetic preganglionic fiber morphology 
abnormal sympathetic trunk morphology +  
abnormal thermoreceptor morphology 
decreased sensory neuron number +   
increased sensory neuron number +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal sympathetic neurons ;   sympathetic neuron abnormalities
Definition Sources: MESH:A08.800.050.800

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