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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
abnormal habenula morphology +   
abnormal neurohypophysis morphology +   
abnormal pineal gland morphology +   
any structural anomaly of the unpaired epithalamic structure that is shaped like a tiny pine cone and located above the posterior commissure near the level of the habenular complex and the sylvian aqueduct; it is both a circumventricular organ and an endocrine organ that secretes melatonin, a serotonin-derived hormone involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms; the pineal parenchyma, consisting of pinealocytes, interstitial (glial-like) cells, phagocytes and capillaries, is arranged into large folliculi separated by septae of connective tissue and blood vessels
abnormal stria medullaris morphology +   
abnormal subcommissural organ morphology +   

Exact Synonyms: abnormal conarium morphology ;   abnormal corpus pineale morphology ;   abnormal epiphysis cerebri morphology ;   abnormal glandula pinealis morphology ;   abnormal pineal body morphology
Narrow Synonyms: pineal gland dysplasia
Broad Synonyms: abnormal pineal glands
Definition Sources:, ISBN:0-683-40008-8

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