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o-Phthalaldehyde fluorescent protein assay (MMO:0000730)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
fluorometry +     
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o-Phthalaldehyde fluorescent protein assay 
When reacted with primary amines in the presence of mercaptoethanol, OPA (o-Phthalaldehyde) yields an intense blue-colored fluorescent product that has a maximum wavelength of excitation of 340 nm and emission at 455 nm. Wavelengths from 330-375 nm have been used for excitation and 436-490 nm for measuring emission. Protein concentrations as low as 50 ng/ml can be measured with an OPA assay. The inherent sensitivity and speed of OPA, along with its broad linear range, makes it a useful protein and peptide assay reagent.

Exact Synonyms: OPA fluorescent protein assay
Definition Sources:, PMID:5576608

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