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automated bromocresol green-based plasma albumin analysis with spectrophotometric readout (MMO:0000539)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
automated bromocresol green-based plasma albumin analysis with spectrophotometric readout 
An automated method in which bromocresol green and plasma proteins, especially albumin, are bound at acidic pH (approximately pH 4.1 - 4.3) to produce a blue to blue-green albumin-BCG complex. The intensity of the blue color of the resulting solution, measured as part of the automated process by a spectrophotometer at 620 - 630 nm, is directly proportional to the amount of albumin in the sample.
bicinchoninic acid protein assay 
Bradford protein assay 
bromocresol green-based urine albumin analysis with spectrophotometric readout  
Lowry protein assay  

Definition Sources: "Website" "Website"

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