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Ontology Browser

protein analysis by liquid phase colorimetry with spectrophotometric readout (MMO:0000331)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
creatinine analysis by liquid phase colorimetry with spectrophotometric readout +  
fluorometry +   
peptide analysis by liquid phase colorimetry with spectrophotometric readout +  
protein analysis by liquid phase colorimetry with spectrophotometric readout +   
Method of assessing the amount of one or more proteins, complex high molecular weight organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur consisting of alpha-amino acids joined by peptide linkages, in a solution using a technique in which the color of that solution, usually after a chemical or enzymatic reaction, is evaluated based on its ability to alter the transmission of light at specific wavelengths in the visible spectrum, that is, to alter the transmission of a specific color of light, using a spectrophotometer.
protein analysis by liquid phase colorimetry with visual assessment 

Definition Sources: Dorland:Dorlands_Illustrated_Medical_Dictionary--31st_Ed, ISBN:978-1416049982, McGraw-Hill:McGraw-Hill_Dictionary_of_Scientific_and_Technical_Terms--4th_Ed, Mosby:Mosbys_Medical_Dictionary--8th_Ed

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