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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal esophagus physiology +   
Abnormal gastrointestinal motility +   
Abnormal urine D-xylose test 
An abnormal result of the xylose absorption test that is used to assess the ability of the intestines to absorb D-xylose. D-xylose is a five-carbon monosaccharide found in some plants. The patient drinks a solution containing a specific amount of D-xylose and the concentration of xylose is measured in the blood circulation and then in the urine. A low amount of D-xylose indicates reduced small intestinal absorbtion.
Gastrointestinal hemorrhage +   
Gastrointestinal infarctions  
Gastrointestinal inflammation +   
Gastrointestinal obstruction +   
Positive hydrogen breath test +  
Recurrent infection of the gastrointestinal tract +   
Unusual gastrointestinal infection +   

Definition Sources: PMID:11418788

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