Abnormal epiphysis morphology of the phalanges of the hand +
Abnormal finger phalanx ossification
Any abnormal process of ossification of the phalangeal bones, which normally are ossified from the body and proximal extremity. Ossification of the body commences during the eighth week of fetal development. Ossification of the proximal extremity commences in the bones between the third and fourth years.
Abnormal metacarpal ossification
Abnormal middle phalanx morphology of the hand +
Abnormal phalangeal joint morphology of the hand +
Abnormal proximal phalanx morphology of the hand +
Abnormality of carpal bone ossification +
Advanced ossification of the hand bones
Angel-shaped phalanx
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the phalanges of the hand +
Broad phalanges of the hand +
Bullet-shaped phalanges of the hand +
Curved phalanges of the hand +
Deficient ossification of hand bones
Delayed ossification of the hand bones
Duplication of phalanx of hand +
Dysharmonic maturation of the hand bones
Epiphyseal stippling of finger phalanges +
Epiphyseal stippling of the metacarpals +
Finger hyperphalangy +
Fractured phalanx of manus +
Irregular ossification of hand bones +
Irregular phalanges
Long phalanx of finger +
Osteolytic defects of the phalanges of the hand +
Partial absence of finger
Phalangeal dislocation
Sclerosis of finger phalanx +
Symphalangism affecting the phalanges of the hand +