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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the fibula +   
Decreased fibular diameter  
Fibular bowing  
Fibular duplication  
Fibular overgrowth +   
Fibular torsion  
Excessively rotated (also called torsion) position of the fibula (calf bone). An increased external rotation of the fibula in the incisura tibiofibularis of more than 5 degrees may lead to an increased pressure and will negatively affect the cartilage.
Fractured fibula 
Increased fibular diameter  
Long fibula  
Serpentine fibula 
Synostosis involving the fibula +   
Thickened fibular cortex +  
Tibiofibular diastasis 

Exact Synonyms: Fibular rotation
Definition Sources: PMID:24796832, PMID:9409794

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