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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal cerebral cortex morphology +   
Abnormal cerebral subcortex morphology +   
Abnormal diffusion weighted cerebral MRI morphology  
Abnormal septum pellucidum morphology +   
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the cerebrum +   
Atrophy/Degeneration affecting the cerebrum +   
Cerebral calcification +   
Cerebral contusion 
A contusion is a region of injured tissue in which blood capillaries have been ruptured without laceration (bruise). Brain contusions are bruises of the cortical surface that damage the surface from the outside inward, producing disruption of tissue and vessels. The term cerebral contusion describes the pathology of focal necrosis and hemorrhage, typically observed in older children, involving particularly cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter. Such lesions are usually found in coup and contrecoup, as well as inferior orbital, frontal, and temporal locations. Cerebral contusions cause permanent damage to tissues of the cerebrum. The etiology of cerebral contusion is trauma to the head.
Cerebral edema  
Cerebral granulomatosis 
Cerebral hemisphere mass lesion 
Cerebral inclusion bodies +   
Cerebral infarct +   
Diffuse cerebral sclerosis  
Granulovacuolar degeneration  
Leukoencephalopathy +   
Megalencephaly +   
Porencephalic cyst  
Ring-enhancing cerebral lesion 
Schizencephaly +   

Definition Sources: PMID:32965818

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