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Ontology Browser

Abnormal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging finding (HP:4000001)
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Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal anatomic location of the heart +   
Abnormal bulbus cordis morphology 
Abnormal cardiac atrium morphology +   
Abnormal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging finding +   
Abnormal finding by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which uses non-ionizing radiation via a strong magnetic field and radio frequency energy to generate three dimensional images. This term comprises findings that are specific to MRI. Findings such as ventricular spetum defect that can be detected by multiple modalities should be coded separately.
Abnormal cardiac septum morphology +   
Abnormal cardiac ventricle morphology +   
Abnormal cardiomyocyte morphology +   
Abnormal connection of the cardiac segments +   
Abnormal endocardium morphology +   
Abnormal heart valve morphology +   
Abnormal myocardium morphology +   
Abnormal pericardium morphology +   
Abnormal spatial orientation of the cardiac segments +   
Boot-shaped cardiac silhouette 
Cardiac mass 
Congenital malformation of the left heart +   
Congenital malformation of the right heart +   
Hypoplastic heart +   
Neoplasm of the heart +   

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