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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Teratoma +     
Cardiac teratoma 
Craniofacial teratoma 
Juvenile type testicular granulosa cell tumor 
Kidney teratoma 
Leydig cell neoplasia  
Mediastinal teratoma 
Nasopharyngeal teratoma 
Neck teratoma 
Ovarian teratoma +   
Sacrococcygeal teratoma +   
Sertoli cell neoplasm +   
Testicular adrenal rest tumor  
Testicular gonadoblastoma  
Testicular mesothelioma 
Testicular seminoma  
Testicular teratoma 
The presence of a teratoma of the testis.

Xrefs: EFO:1000573 ;   NCI:C3403 ;   UMLS:C0238451
Definition Sources:

paths to the root