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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal calcification of the carpal bones +   
Abnormal cartilage collagen  
Abnormal cartilage matrix 
Abnormal chondrocyte morphology +   
Abnormal cricoid cartilage morphology  
Abnormal external ear cartilage morphology +   
Abnormality nasal septum cartilage morphology +   
Adrenal calcification  
Calcific stippling +   
Calcification of cartilage +   
The presence of calcium deposition in cartilage.
Calcification of muscles 
Calcification of ribs +   
Calcinosis cutis  
Cardiovascular calcification +   
Cartilage destruction  
Cerebellar calcifications +   
Chondritis +   
Chondrocalcinosis +   
Epiphyseal stippling +   
Gingival calcification 
Gonadal calcification  
Hepatic calcification  
Intervertebral disk calcification  
Intraalveolar nodular calcifications  
Intracranial calcification +   
Laryngeal calcification  
Multiple enchondromatosis  
Pancreatic calcification  
Periarticular calcification  
Retinal calcification  
Sternal punctate calcifications  
Subcutaneous calcification  
Tarsal stippling  
Tracheal calcification  

Xrefs: UMLS:C4022015

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