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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Aplasia/hypoplasia of the proximal phalanx of the 4th toe +  
Broad distal phalanx of the 4th toe 
Broad middle phalanx of the 4th toe 
Broad proximal phalanx of the 2nd toe 
Broad proximal phalanx of the 3rd toe 
Broad proximal phalanx of the 4th toe 
Broad proximal phalanx of the 5th toe 
Broad proximal phalanx of the hallux  
Curved proximal phalanx of the 4th toe 
Duplication of the proximal phalanx of the 4th toe +  

Exact Synonyms: Wide innermost bone of 4th toe
Xrefs: UMLS:C4022098

paths to the root