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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Carpal synostosis +     
Capitate-hamate fusion  
Carpometacarpal synostosis +  
Fusion involving carpal and metacarpal bones.
Metacarpophalangeal synostosis +   
Partial fusion of carpals  
Partial fusion of proximal row of carpal bones 
Synostosis involving the 1st metacarpal +   
Synostosis involving the 2nd metacarpal +  
Synostosis involving the 3rd metacarpal +  
Synostosis involving the 4th metacarpal +   
Synostosis involving the 5th metacarpal +   
Synostosis of carpal bones  

Exact Synonyms: Fused wrist bones and long bones of hand
Xrefs: UMLS:C4022145
Definition Sources:

paths to the root