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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormality of the epiphysis of the femoral head +   
Broad femoral head  
Delayed femoral head ossification  
Dysplasia of the femoral head  
Femur fracture +   
Flattened femoral head  
Fractured clavicle bone +  
Fractured epiphysis +  
Fractured fibula 
Fractured fused metatarsal bones 2-4 
Fractured head of femur 
A partial or complete breakage of the head of femur.
Fractured humerus +  
Fractured lateral malleolus of fibula 
Fractured metacarpal bone of digit 1 
Fractured metaphysis of femur 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 1 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 4 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 5 
Fractured phalanx +  
Fractured radius  
Fractured rib  
Fractured sternal end of clavicle 
Fractured tibia +  
Fractured ulna 
Hypoplasia of the femoral head  
Internal notch of the femoral head 
Lateral displacement of the femoral head  
Recurrent long bone fractures  

Exact Synonyms: bone head of femur

paths to the root