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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal humeral diaphysis morphology +   
Abnormal humeral head morphology +   
Abnormal morphology of the cortex of the humerus +  
Angulated humerus  
Bifid humerus  
Bowed humerus  
Coarse humeral trabeculae 
Crumpled humerus 
Deformed humerus +  
Femur fracture +   
Fractured clavicle bone +  
Fractured epiphysis +  
Fractured fibula 
Fractured fused metatarsal bones 2-4 
Fractured head of femur 
Fractured humerus +  
A partial or complete breakage of the humerus.
Fractured lateral malleolus of fibula 
Fractured metacarpal bone of digit 1 
Fractured metaphysis of femur 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 1 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 4 
Fractured metatarsal bone of digit 5 
Fractured phalanx +  
Fractured radius  
Fractured rib  
Fractured sternal end of clavicle 
Fractured tibia +  
Fractured ulna 
Glenoid fracture 
Humeral exostoses 
Humeral lytic defects 
Humeral pseudarthrosis  
Humerus varus  
Lateral humeral condyle aplasia 
Oval transradiancy of humerus 
Recurrent long bone fractures  
Slender humerus 
Tapered humerus  
Undermodeled humerus 
Wide humerus  

Exact Synonyms: Broken humerus ;   Fracture of the humerus ;   Humeral fracture ;   Humerus fracture ;   bone humerus

paths to the root