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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Fetal neck anomaly +     
Distended jugular lymphatic sacs 
Fetal cystic hygroma  
Fetal neck mass 
Fetal nuchal edema  
Nuchal edema is considered present in a fetus at gestational week 14 or more if in the midsagittal plane of the neck, there is subcutaneous edema that produces a characteristic tremor on ballotment of the fetal head. This constitutes the severe end of the spectrum of increased nuchal fold thickness, which is defined as soft-tissue thickening of 6 mm or more, seen in the suboccipitobregmatic view of the fetal head. Nuchal edema may be confined to the neck or it may be generalized, as part of hydrops fetalis.
Increased nuchal translucency  
Thickened nuchal skin fold  

Definition Sources: PMID:16507941, PMID:9880279

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