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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormality of peripheral nervous system electrophysiology +   
Absent axon flare response after intradermal histamine injection 
Froment sign  
Positive carpal Tinel sign  
Positive Phalen test  
The Phalen maneuver is performed by having the patient hold both wrists in complete and forced flexion (pushing the dorsal surfaces of both hands together) for 30-60 seconds. This can increase the pressure in the carpal tunnel. The test is positive (abnormal) if the patient experiences characteristic symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (pain and paresthesias along the distribution of the median nerve, i.e., thumb, index finger, and middle finger).

Exact Synonyms: Phalen maneuver ;   Phalen manoeuvre
Definition Sources: PMID:31773104

paths to the root