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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormality of the urachus +   
Aplasia/Hypoplasia of the bladder +   
Bladder diverticulum +   
Bladder duplication 
Bladder exstrophy  
Bladder fistula +   
Bladder polyp  
Bladder rupture 
Bladder stones 
Bladder trabeculation  
Dilatation of the bladder +   
Eosinophilic bladder infiltration 
Transmural inflammation of the bladder predominantly with eosinophils, associated with fibrosis with or without muscle necrosis.
Urinary bladder inflammation  
Urinary bladder mass 
Urinary bladder wall hypertrophy  

Exact Synonyms: Eosinophilic cystitis
Definition Sources: PMID:15857336, PMID:28829677

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