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Ontology Browser

Parent Terms Term With Siblings Child Terms
Abnormal blood gas level +   
Abnormal breath sound +   
Abnormal bronchus physiology +   
Abnormal mucociliary clearance +   
An anomaly in the system of mucociliary transport, which functions to transport the mucous layer lining the respiratory epithelium by ciliary beating.
Abnormal nasal mucus secretion +   
Abnormal pattern of respiration +   
Abnormal respiratory motile cilium physiology +   
Abnormal respiratory system morphology +   
Abnormality of pulmonary circulation +   
Abnormality on pulmonary function testing +   
Airway hyperresponsiveness  
Airway obstruction +   
Asthma +   
Breathing dysregulation +   
Chronic lung disease  
Cough +   
Decreased nasal nitric oxide  
Hyperpolarized transepithelial nasal potential difference  
Progressive pulmonary function impairment  
Respiratory insufficiency +   
Restrictive ventilatory defect  
Tracheal tug on inspiration 
Weakness of muscles of respiration +   

Exact Synonyms: Abnormal mucociliary transport

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